Pass data from one page to another using post

If you need to pass small amounts of data from one page to another, you can pass it in the query string and the target page can retrieve it through Request.QueryString collection (GET operation). However, if you need to pass large amount of data you cannot pass it in the query string since Internet Explorer has maximum 2048 character limit on the address of the page. In these cases, you can pass data from one page to another using POST operation.

In your source page, define a hidden variable to hold the data to pass and pass only its ID to the target page in the query string.

The target page should first get that ID through Request.QueryString collection.
Then it should set its own hidden variable value with the one in the source frame on
the client-side during BODY onload event handler. You can use opener object on the
client-side to retrieve the DOM elements in the opener page. Then it should do a
postback to itself and retrieve the value of its hidden variable through Request.Form

Source Page JavaScript

function PassData(ctlID)
{'TargetPage.aspx?ctlID=' + ctlID, 'NewWindow','width=400,height=300,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=yes,toolbars=no');

Source Page ASPX

<asp:TextBox ID="txtPassData" runat="server" Text="Data to pass"
<asp:Button ID="btnPassData" runat="server" Text="Pass Data"
CssClass="Button" OnClientClick="PassData('txtPassData'); return
false;" />

Target Page JavaScript

function Body_Onload() 
var pageStatusElem = document.getElementById('hfPageStatus');
// Page status hidden field value is initially empty string
if (pageStatusElem.value == '')
// Set text to spell check hidden field value to the text in the opener window
document.getElementById('hfTextPassed').value = opener.window.document.getElementById('<%=Request.QueryString["ctlID"]% >').value;
// Set page status hidden field value so that when the page is posted back it can process text to spell check retrieved from the opener window
pageStatusElem.value = '<%=SET_TEXT%>';
// Post back the page

Target Page ASPX

<body onload="Body_Onload()">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
Text passed: <asp:Label ID="lblTextPassed" runat="server"
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfTextPassed" runat="server" Value="" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfPageStatus" runat="server" Value="" />

Target Page C#

public const string SET_TEXT = "SetText";
public const string TEXT_IS_SET = "TextIsSet";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Initial entry
if (hfPageStatus.Value == SET_TEXT)
// Set page status not to enter again
hfPageStatus.Value = TEXT_IS_SET;
lblTextPassed.Text = hfTextPassed.Value;

Handle asynchronous operations with minimally growing arrays

When you work with asynchronous AJAX callbacks, you might need to store the
callback results in an array to process them later. The tricky part is to keep the array size at minimum. In order to do this, you can empty the array item when you are
done with processing it and make it available for future callback results and always
insert the new callback result to the first available array item.

function InsertActiveCallbackArr(arrayObj, arrayElem)
var i = 0;
for (var loopCnt = arrayObj.length; (i < loopCnt) && arrayObj[i];i++);
arrayObj[i] = arrayElem;

When you are done with the callback result, simply set that array item to null.

function ProcessActiveCallbackArr(arrayObj)
for (var i = 0, loopCnt = arrayObj.length; i < loopCnt; i++)
// Process the callback result here
// Then set the array item to null
arrayObj[i] = null;

Move the focus away from your dropdown after change event

When the user changes the selection in a DropDownList, the focus remains inside
the dropdown. If the user presses up/down arrow key or moves the mouse wheel,
that action triggers the onchange event on the dropdown.

You can prevent this by making the dropdown lose focus in the onchange event.


function LoseFocus(ddlElem)


<asp:DropDownList id="ddlLoseFocus" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ddlLoseFocus.Attributes.Add("onchange", "LoseFocus(this)");

Retrieve query string values

ASP.NET provides Request.QueryString collection that retrieves the values of the
variables in the HTTP query string, but there is no built-in mechanism to retrieve
query string collection on the client-side. However, you can parse the window
location search property to get the query string values by using the
GetAttributeValue method that we provided in one of our previous tips to center your
window. Note that property gets or sets the substring of the
href property that follows the question mark.

function GetAttributeValue(attribList, attribName, firstDelim,
var attribNameLowerCase = attribName.toLowerCase();
if (attribList)
var attribArr = attribList.split(firstDelim);
for (var i = 0, loopCnt = attribArr.length; i < loopCnt; i++)
var nameValueArr = attribArr[i].split(secondDelim);
for (var j = 0, loopCnt2 = nameValueArr.length; j < loopCnt2;j++)
if (nameValueArr[0].toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '') == attribNameLowerCase && loopCnt2 > 1)
return nameValueArr[1];

This method takes three arguments: a name/value pair list, the attribute name to
retrieve its value, the first delimiter and the second delimiter. The first delimiter will be ampersand and the second delimiter would be equal sign to parse query string variables. Then you can use the following method to retrieve the query string value for given query string variable name.

function GetQueryStringValue(varName)
return GetAttributeValue(,varName, '&', '=');

Check whether an item exists in the array

JavaScript Array object does not provide a built-in method to return whether a given value exists in the array. However, we can add a prototype method to extend Array functionality by adding a method to return whether the array has the given value.

Array.prototype.has = function(value)
var i;
for (var i = 0, loopCnt = this.length; i < loopCnt; i++)
if (this[i] === value)
return true;
return false;

Note that this method uses === operator to check if the value is identical (is equal to and is of the same type) to the value in the array. If you want to check only whether they are equal, you should replace === with == operator (is equal to).
Then, we can use this method as follows:

var arr = new Array();
arr[0] = 'test';
alert(arr.has('test')); // Should display true
alert(arr.has('test2')); // Should display false

Use hash tables for efficient lookups

Hash tables provide a way of efficient addition of new entries and the time spent
searching for a specified key is independent of the number of items stored, which is
O(1). Before explaining how to create a hash table in JavaScript, let’s begin with a
quick background about the associative arrays in JavaScript.

associative array (hash) is an abstract data type composed of a collection of keys
and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value. In
JavaScript, all objects are associative arrays. You can reach the object properties as follows:




JavaScript objects do not provide a length property like Array object but you can
iterate through the object properties using the following construct:

for (var prop in object)

For example, UltimateEditor component provides an associative array called
UltimateEditors in the client-side API. Each UltimateEditor client-side object is
defined as the property of UltimateEditors associative array. If you have multiple
UltimateEditor components in your page, the following JavaScript code will iterate
through all your UltimateEditor objects and display their HTML contents:

for (var ueObj in UltimateEditors)

We can now create our HashTable object using the associative array functionality.
Our HashTable object will have two properties: hashArr property that stores
key/value pairs and length property that keeps track of the number of items in the
hash table. It will provide four methods: get method to retrieve the value for a given key, put method to add a key/value pair to the hash table, remove method to
remove a key/value pair from the hash table and has method to return whether
given key value exists in the hash table.

function HashTable()
this.hashArr = new Array();
this.length = 0;
HashTable.prototype.get = function(key)
return this.hashArr[key];
HashTable.prototype.put = function(key, value)
if (typeof(this.hashArr[key]) == 'undefined')
this.hashArr[key] = value;
HashTable.prototype.remove = function(key)
if (typeof(this.hashArr[key]) != 'undefined')
var value = this.hashArr[key];
delete this.hashArr[key];
return value;
HashTable.prototype.has = function(key)
return (typeof(this.hashArr[key]) != 'undefined');

Now let’s create a sample hash table for an efficient phone lookup:

var phoneLookup = new HashTable();
phoneLookup.put('Jane', '111-222-3333');
phoneLookup.put('John', '444-555-6666');

Concatenate your strings efficiently

Even though it is easy to concatenate strings using the + operator, string
operations become very costly in terms of CPU cycle when the strings get bigger and
there are a lot of strings to concatenate.

The better alternative is to create your own StringBuilder JavaScript object that is similar to the StringBuilder object in the .NET Framework. You can define your
StringBuilder object with a buffer array property to store the strings to concatenate. Then add an Append method to add a string to the buffer array. The JavaScript Array object provides a join method that puts all the elements of an array into a string separated by a specified delimiter. ConvertToString method will join all elements of the buffer array into a string.

function StringBuilder()
this.buffer = [];
StringBuilder.prototype.Append = function(str)
this.buffer[this.buffer.length] = str;
StringBuilder.prototype.ConvertToString = function()
return this.buffer.join('');

Instead of the following:

var str = 'This ' + 'is ' + 'a ' + 'test';

You can now use the following:

var sb = new StringBuilder;
sb.Append('This ');
sb.Append('is ');
sb.Append('a ');
var str = sb.ConvertToString();

Our tests indicated that concatenating the string 'test' 50,000 times using the
StringBuilder Append method worked 10 times faster than using the + operator in
Internet Explorer.

Preload your images

If you want to display your images instantly when the page is loaded, you should
preload your images using JavaScript in the HEAD section of your web page. This
technique also helps when you have rollover effects on your images where you
display a different image when the mouse is over the image.

All you need to do is to create a new JavaScript Image object and set its src
attribute to the path of your image

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
var img1 = new Image();
img1.src = '/Images/Product/UISuite.gif';

Note that you need to create new JavaScript Image objects for all the images you
need to cache using different local variable names. To overcome this issue, you can
use the following JavaScript function that takes the image paths as arguments and
stores the JavaScript Image objects inside array elements.

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function PreloadImages()
var lenArg = arguments.length;
if (lenArg > 0)
var imgArr = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < lenArg; i++)
imgArr[i] = new Image();
imgArr[i].src = arguments[i];

This function takes as many image path arguments as you pass, creates a new
JavaScript Image object for each of them and stores them in an array.

Toggle display

You can toggle the display of an HTML element easily by toggling its style display
value between 'none' and ''.


function ToggleDisplay(elemId)
var elem = document.getElementById(elemId); = ( != 'none') ? 'none' : '';


<asp:LinkButton ID="lbToggleDisplay" runat="server"
OnClientClick="ToggleDisplay('pnlToggleDisplay'); return false;">Toggle
<asp:Panel ID="pnlToggleDisplay" runat="server">
Panel content here!

Get inner text

Internet Explorer provides an innerText property to get or set the text between the start and end tags of the object. Firefox does not provide an innerText property but a textContent property to get or set the inner text. For the browsers that do not
provide a property to get or set the inner text, you can clear the HTML tags inside
the innerHTML property.

function GetInnerText(elem)
return (typeof(elem.innerText) != 'undefined') ? elem.innerText :(typeof(elem.textContent) != 'undefined') ? elem.textContent : elem.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');

Cache your scripts

Using a JavaScript include file has several advantages compared to directly
embedding JavaScript code inside a script block. The main advantage is that it
provides code reuse by keeping the code in a central place. Another advantage is
that your page size will be reduced significantly causing the page to be easier to
maintain. Probably the most important advantage is caching by the browser.
Subsequent requests to your page will retrieve the JavaScript library from the
browser cache in order to load a lot faster.

You can place your JavaScript code in a “.js” file, and include it in your web pages using the following syntax:

<script src="KaramasoftUtility.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Swap table rows on the client-side

You can swap table rows on the client-side by swapping the cell contents of the
current rows and the row to swap. The following method takes three parameters:
the current table row element, a Boolean to indicate whether the row should move
up, and a Boolean to indicate whether the first row should be ignored.

function SwapRows(rowElem, dirUp, ignoreFirstRow)
var rowElemToSwap = (dirUp) ? rowElem.previousSibling : rowElem.nextSibling;
// Firefox returns a blank text node for the sibling
while (rowElemToSwap && rowElemToSwap.nodeType != 1)
rowElemToSwap = (dirUp) ? rowElemToSwap.previousSibling : rowElemToSwap.nextSibling;
if (rowElemToSwap && !(ignoreFirstRow && rowElemToSwap.rowIndex == 0))
var rowCells = rowElem.cells;
var colInner;
for (var i = 0, loopCnt = rowCells.length; i < loopCnt; i++)
colInner = rowCells[i].innerHTML;
rowCells[i].innerHTML = rowElemToSwap.cells[i].innerHTML;
rowElemToSwap.cells[i].innerHTML = colInner;

Format number

You can use the following method to format your numbers or currency values. It
takes four arguments: the number to format, the number of decimal places, a
Boolean to indicate whether zeros should be appended, and a Boolean to indicate
whether commas should be inserted to separate thousands.

function FormatNumber(num, decimalPlaces, appendZeros, insertCommas) {
var powerOfTen = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
var num = Math.round(num * powerOfTen) / powerOfTen;
if (!appendZeros && !insertCommas)
return num;
var strNum = num.toString();
var posDecimal = strNum.indexOf(".");
if (appendZeros)
var zeroToAppendCnt = 0;
if (posDecimal < 0)
strNum += ".";
zeroToAppendCnt = decimalPlaces;
zeroToAppendCnt = decimalPlaces - (strNum.length - posDecimal - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < zeroToAppendCnt; i++)
strNum += "0";
if (insertCommas && (Math.abs(num) >= 1000))
var i = strNum.indexOf(".");
if (i < 0)
i = strNum.length;
i -= 3;
while (i >= 1)
strNum = strNum.substring(0, i) + ',' + strNum.substring(i, strNum.length);
i -= 3;
return strNum;

Display confirmation before the page is closed

If you need to display a confirmation before the user closes the window, you can use the beforeunload event of the window object to display a confirmation message.


function AddUnloadHandler()
AddEventHandler(window, 'beforeunload', HandleUnload);
function HandleUnload() {
var strConfirm = 'Please make sure you saved your changes before
closing the page.';
if (document.all) {
window.event.returnValue = strConfirm;
else {
var evnt = arguments[0];


<body onload="AddUnloadHandler()">

Validate max character length in a text area

HTML input type of text element provides a built-in MaxLength property to set the
maximum number of characters that the user can enter. However, the TextArea
element does not have such property to limit the number of characters that can be
entered. When you have an ASP.NET TextBox control with TextMode="MultiLine" in
your web page, it is rendered as an HTML TextArea element and you cannot use
MaxLength property to set the maximum number characters.

What you can do is to define a keypress event handler for the TextBox control to
check the length of the text inside the text area and cancel the event if the
MaxLength is reached.


function ValidateMaxLength(evnt, str, maxLength)
var evntKeyCode = GetEventKeyCode(evnt);
//Ignore keys such as Delete, Backspace, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Insert,Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down and arrow keys
var escChars = ",8,17,18,19,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,45,46,";
if (escChars.indexOf(',' + evntKeyCode + ',') == -1)
if (str.length >= maxLength)
alert("You cannot enter more than " + maxLength + "
return false;
return true;


<asp:TextBox ID="txtValidateMaxLength" runat="server"
TextMode="MultiLine" />


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtValidateMaxLength.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return
ValidateMaxLength((window.event) ? window.event : arguments[0],this.value, 5)");

Center your window on the screen

You can center your windows opened with the method on the screen.
Both Internet Explorer and Mozilla DOM provide window screen object that has availWidth and availHeight properties to retrieves the width and height of the
working area of the system's screen. All you need to do is to get the difference between the screen width (or height) value and the window width (or height) value
and divide it by 2.

Since you might want to make this functionality reusable, you can create a wrapper
method to call method by replacing its features argument that includes
attributes such as width and height. You can parse width and height attributes in the
features argument value, and find the appropriate left and top values to center the
window and append left and top attributes to the features argument value.

The features argument usually looks like the following:


First, we need to create a method to parse the width and height values in the
features string. Since we might want to use this method for other purposes to split
name/value pairs such as parsing query strings to find query string values, let’s
make it a generic method.

function GetAttributeValue(attribList, attribName, firstDelim,secondDelim)
var attribNameLowerCase = attribName.toLowerCase();
if (attribList)
var attribArr = attribList.split(firstDelim);
for (var i = 0, loopCnt = attribArr.length; i < loopCnt; i++)
var nameValueArr = attribArr[i].split(secondDelim);
for (var j = 0, loopCnt2 = nameValueArr.length; j < loopCnt2;j++)
if (nameValueArr[0].toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '')==attribNameLowerCase && loopCnt2 > 1)
return nameValueArr[1];

This method takes three arguments: a name/value pair list, the attribute name to
retrieve its value, the first delimiter and the second delimiter. The first delimiter will be comma and the second delimiter will be equal sign in this case. The first delimiter would be ampersand and the second delimiter would be equal sign to parse query string variables.

Then define the methods to retrieve available screen width and height values.

function GetScreenWidth()
return window.screen.availWidth;
function GetScreenHeight()
return window.screen.availHeight;

We can now create our wrapper method to center the window by using these methods.

function WindowOpenHelper(sURL, sName, sFeatures, centerWindow)
var windowLeft = '';
var windowTop = '';
if (centerWindow)
var windowWidth = GetAttributeValue(sFeatures, 'width', ',','=');
windowLeft = (typeof(windowWidth) != 'undefined') ? ',left=' +((GetScreenWidth() - windowWidth) / 2) : '';
var windowHeight = GetAttributeValue(sFeatures, 'height', ',','=');
windowTop = (typeof(windowHeight) != 'undefined') ? ',top=' +((GetScreenHeight() - windowHeight) / 2) : '';
}, sName, sFeatures + windowLeft + windowTop);

This method takes four arguments: URL of the document to display, the name of
the window, a list of feature items, and a Boolean to indicate whether the window
should be centered.

You can now call WindowOpenHelper method in your page.


function OpenWindowCentered(windowWidth, windowHeight)
WindowOpenHelper('', 'WindowCentered','width=400,height=300,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=yes,toolbars=no', true);


<asp:LinkButton ID="lbOpenWindowCentered" runat="server"
OnClientClick="OpenWindowCentered(); return false;">Open window

Create your own watermark textbox

The main purpose of a watermark is to provide information to the user about the textbox without cluttering up the page. You have probably seen many examples of
this in search textboxes in websites. When a watermarked textbox is empty, it displays a message to the user. Once the user types some text into the textbox, the
watermarked text disappears. When the user leaves the textbox the watermarked text appears again if the content of the textbox is empty.

You can easily change your textbox to provide watermark behavior by adding
onfocus and onblur event handlers. In the focus event, clear the textbox if its text
matches the watermark text. In the blur event, set the text back to watermark text if
the textbox empty.


function WatermarkFocus(txtElem, strWatermark)
if (txtElem.value == strWatermark) txtElem.value = '';
function WatermarkBlur(txtElem, strWatermark)
if (txtElem.value == '') txtElem.value = strWatermark;


<asp:TextBox ID="txtWatermark" runat="server" />


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strWatermark = "Search";
txtWatermark.Text = strWatermark;
txtWatermark.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "WatermarkFocus(this, '" +
strWatermark + "');");
txtWatermark.Attributes.Add("onblur", "WatermarkBlur(this, '" +
strWatermark + "');");

Use references to deeply nested objects

JavaScript objects can be nested using the dot operator as the following:

var cellsColl = tableElem.rows[0].cells;
for (var i = 0; i < cellsColl.length; i++)
cellsColl[i].style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000';

If you do multiple operations on the above construct, it is better to define a variable to reference it because each dot operator causes an operation to retrieve that property. For example, if you need to process table cells inside a for loop, define a local variable to reference the cells collection and use it instead as follows:

for (var i = 0, loopCnt = cellsColl.length; i < loopCnt; i++)

Even though the above code references the cells collection through the local
variable, it still checks the length property of the cells collection in each step of the loop. Therefore, it is better to store cellsColl.length property in a local variable by getting its value once as follows:

Disable a button after click to prevent subsequent postbacks to server

As a developer you may never double-click a submit button, but your website users
might do so, and execute the submit button code twice. They might as well click
multiple times while it’s still in progress. If you’re running database operations or
sending emails on the button click handler, double-clicks may create unwanted
results in your system. Even if you’re not doing anything critical, it will overload your server with unnecessary calls.

To prevent subsequent postbacks to server, as soon as the user clicks the submit
button you can disable it and change its text in the onclick event handler as follows:


function DisableButton(buttonElem)
buttonElem.value = 'Please Wait...';
buttonElem.disabled = true;


<asp:button id="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" />


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnSubmit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "DisableButton(this);" + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this,btnSubmit.ID.ToString()));

View the current HTML state of your page

When you do View Source in your browser, it displays the state of your page when the page is loaded. However, when you have dynamic content in your page, especially in AJAX environment, you might need to see the current source of your page.

Type the following into your address bar and press enter.

Internet Explorer




Or you can combine these two into one JavaScript statement to make it crossbrowser:

javascript:'<xmp>'+((document.all) ? window.document.body.outerHTML :

Add/Remove event handlers

You can easily bind/unbind a function to an event so that it gets called whenever the event fires on the object.

Internet Explorer DOM (Document Object Model) provides attachEvent and detachEvent methods, while Mozilla DOM provides addEventListener and removeEventListener methods to add/remove event handlers. You can use the following cross-browser JavaScript methods to add/remove your event handlers:

function AddEventHandler(obj, eventName, functionNotify)
if (obj.attachEvent)
obj.attachEvent('on' + eventName, functionNotify);
else if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(eventName, functionNotify, true);
obj['on' + eventName] = functionNotify;

function RemoveEventHandler(obj, eventName, functionNotify)
if (obj.detachEvent)
obj.detachEvent('on' + eventName, functionNotify);
else if (obj.removeEventListener)
obj.removeEventListener(eventName, functionNotify, true);
obj['on' + eventName] = null;

You can call the above methods as follows:

function AddKeyDownEventHandler(obj)
AddEventHandler(obj, 'keydown', KeyDownEventHandler);
function KeyDownEventHandler(evnt)
alert('Event key code: ' + GetEventKeyCode(evnt));
function GetEventKeyCode(evnt)
return evnt.keyCode ? evnt.keyCode : evnt.charCode ? evnt.charCode : evnt.which ? evnt.which : void 0;
function BodyOnloadHandler(evnt)


<body onload="BodyOnloadHandler()">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtKeyDown" runat="server" CssClass="TextBox"></asp:TextBox>

Get DOM elements with one simple method

There is a cross-browser getElementById method of the document object, which returns a reference to the object with the specified value of the ID attribute.

for (var i = 0; i '<' arguments.length;i++)
var element = arguments[i];
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (arguments.length == 1)
return element;
return elements;

One nice thing about this method is that you can pass either one argument or multiple arguments. If one argument is passed it returns a reference to the object with the specified ID value. Otherwise it returns an array of references to the objects with the specified ID values. Another nice thing about this method is that it takes objects as well as strings as arguments.

Instead of the following:

var elem = document.getElementById('TextBox1');

You can now call the $ method as follows:

var elem = $('TextBox1');

Or you can return multiple DOM elements with one simple method call:

var elemArr = $('TextBox1', 'TextBox2');

Evolution of C#